Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Green Market

On the 15th of Febuary classes 612 and 712 went to the farmers market at borrow hall. We then met our amazing host who came to work on his day off! He taught us about farmers markets and how farmers markets help citizens in local america. Something that I learned about from what David told us is that Farmers markets are a local non for profit business. Another thing that I learned was that some of the workers there were actual farmers. What I liked about farmers markets is that they get all of their foods from a 200 mile radius of Newyork. The food from green markets are fresh because they come from closer. Instead of getting onions from california they get it from newyork so that the travel that the onions would have been decreased and it would be less time for the apples to rot. I found it funny when David told us that one guy leaves dirt on his potatoes so that you can see that the potatoes came from the dirt. Last but not least i felt that going to the green market was an awesome and amazing aquaintance. Also the fact that we got the chance to learn out side instead of being in a classroom was great.