Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sustainability Unit

The topic on sustainability was all about this skill that we need in order to keep the human race surviving forever and ever. The skill to sustain is to conserve, maintain, and support all resources that we have and need to survive. We need to sustain our food supply, water, and air by reusing, recycling, and reducing. We could use wash cloths, reuse paper, and donate extra food to soup kitchens. We, the class of 712, made our own water filters and filled it with house hold appliances. We then poured into it very dirty and contaminated water so we tried to clean the water as much as we could. We saw that there was not to much of a difference but there was some improvement. We went on a trip to a farmer's market (greenmarket) and looked at all of the fresh produce and met with David who taught us about the greenmarket, what is sold, and where the food comes from.