Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sustainability Unit

I am in class 712 and in the past 2 months we have been learning about sustainability. We learned about making NYC waste, Energy, food, air, and water more sustainable. It helphey cas us know how important saving and providing energy helps the world.
When the world is more sustainable it will be more healthy for the environment. One thing we can do to make the world a more sustainable place is to buy organic food. Another thing we can do to make our world more sustainable is to turn off the sink when we brush our teeth until water is needed. We can create compost bins to help plants grow. Also we could turn off all of the lights when we are not using it.
If class 712 of Secondary School for Journalism can make the world better and more sustainable then so can the rest of the world. Class 712 did a series of experiments and tests so that can learn about food sustainability during our trip to the green market. At the Green market we learned about why sustainable food is good food. This experiment will help me in the long run because I will know how to get healthy but sustainable food and run a sustainable household.
Sustainability is essential in many ways. At the moment i think the most important way it matters is the way of global warming. If the world were more sustainable the theory would be impossible to prove. A more sustainable world would mean less pollution. Pollution makes sustainability important to your health.
Everyone in the world can make the world more sustainable and change all of the pollution. All they have to do is do things like unplug every thing in the house when they are not in use. Or the people in the world can recycle. You also can put timers on your televisions so they can cut off when your not using them. These are all things that people can do to make the world a more sustainable place.