Saturday, February 12, 2011


Water is important in our lives because we use water all the time. We need to conserve water because most of the water in earth is slat water . About 90% is salt water , 6% is frozen water and about 3.4% is water we can drink . We cant drink salt water because we can die . Although we could filter the salt water it would cost more . It will cost more for the filters. For example we did an experiment in class we got really bad water with a lot of things in it . It smelled. So then we did are own filter we used :Sponge, charcoal, sand, coffee filter,cotton balls and more . The water looked better but it still was really dirty.So if we try to filter the water that is dirty in earth it would cost a lot . Mostly for the filter. We need to save water in earth. We couldn't live with out water . We also did a footprint to see how much water we use . It help us to know how we need to save our water in earth.