Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Sustainability means to maintain a healthy environment for everyone and everything for as long as we possible can. In life we always use things such as foam cups and plastic bags and plastic ,etc. We use so much a day in total its hard to keep out lands clear. Their was a movie called "If The World Was A Village", it was about the percentage of people their would be of what kind. It also shows how many people get a amount of which. Lots of out water on the earth is salt and very little is fresh which we can drink. We received a booklet from a field scientist Ms.Baker, we had to do a project on it based on the numbers we got. We even made a list of things we needed to live with water,shelter,water,air,energy,our waste. Many people in our world use about 100's of gallons of water a day. This was a work sheet were we had to fill in numbers. After we finished the sheet we talked about the ways we can save water from now on.