Thursday, February 17, 2011

Green Market

On February 15, 2011 the classes of 6 and 712 went to Borrow Hall next to the Supreme Hall to the farmer's market. We then met up with our host David who came to teach us all about the green market on his day off. One thing I learned about at the greenmarket was that the food was local within a 250 mile radius. Another thing I learned at the green market was that the milk is pasteurized by boiling the milk. What I liked best about the greenmarket  was that the produce was freshly made and naturally sweetened, also the there was someone selling hot dogs. Overall, I thought that going to the green market was a good experience for all of us to learn outside. Also that it was peaceful and cold outside.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Water is important in our lives because we use water all the time. We need to conserve water because most of the water in earth is slat water . About 90% is salt water , 6% is frozen water and about 3.4% is water we can drink . We cant drink salt water because we can die . Although we could filter the salt water it would cost more . It will cost more for the filters. For example we did an experiment in class we got really bad water with a lot of things in it . It smelled. So then we did are own filter we used :Sponge, charcoal, sand, coffee filter,cotton balls and more . The water looked better but it still was really dirty.So if we try to filter the water that is dirty in earth it would cost a lot . Mostly for the filter. We need to save water in earth. We couldn't live with out water . We also did a footprint to see how much water we use . It help us to know how we need to save our water in earth.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Water is important. So we need to save water in order to have a healthy environment. We tried to clean water that was very dirty. We used the following materials: Sponge, charcoal, sand, coffee filter,cotton balls and more!!! When me and my partner were working on our filter a little of the water came out, and the rest was in the materials we used.
To reduce our use of water we will need to save and use it wisely.
What I learned about the footprint is that things we do daily affects our planet sometimes depends on what you use and how much percent each day.
Sustainability means the ability to conserve,maintain and support all the things we need to survive so that we can have it for a longer time. Some people don't have any ting to eat and some people have a little and some other people have a lot to eat . These people that don't have anything to eat have to steal to have something to survive . Also some people don't have electricity . There 76% that have electricity. There 24% that don't have electricity .Some people have a lot of food,electricity and shelter and don't share with people that don't have .
I think that water is very important beacuase we cannot live with out it we need it to survive. I have leaned by doing the filter experiment that water is not easy to clean, specialy to get the color and smell out of it, and that is why we cannot dirty our water we need to take care more care of it. If we dont take care of out water we will not have any water to drink or to shower of clean out out things. The water foot print we made in class showed me that we are using to much water and that we should use less we need to stop wasting it on unnessasary things.


What is sustainability? For me and others, we say that sustainability is the ability to conserve, maintain, and support all the resources we need to survive so that we can have it forever. We need food, water, air, shelter, and a place to put waste in. Earth and all of it's people are wasting these resources. They waste food, pollute air and water, and we make to much waste. In the Secondary School for Journalism, class 712 want to conserve resources so that none of us would die and become extinct. We are currently in Febuary, 2011 and there are major issues. People are cutting down too many trees, people are dying of starvation. and air and water are being polluted so you can't breathe or drink it. My class wants to help and so should you.
water is a source that we need every day. sometimes we abuse it so much that we have less and less every day. right now 66% of the world is covered by water and only 3% of it is fresh water and water we could drink. we are using the water for nothing so soon we would be fighting for water to use. in class we did a chart the ask about how we use water. at the end of the survey it shews how much wu use every days. the water should be realy important to every bodyand we should admire it. we should always keep our waters clean. to clean our waters we should do it litle by litle. we sould also before getind it dirty not to get it dirty. water is good for drinking and cooking so we must keep our waters safe. we must keep our waters clean.


Everyday people use water to wash their hands, take a shower and others. We had a work sheet where we talked about how much water we use a day. Many people got 100 gallons of water a day. We also did a experiment with Ms.Baker. The objective of this game was to make out sample of water clean. We first had to design a filter, we used things like chart coal, sand, coffee filter, etc. After we designed the filter we poured the water and then we did a water test to determined how clean it became. We compared our results. The funniest filter made had no water coming out. Everyone was amazed and suprised and rushed up to see. Many people were happy about their results. We then took our results and recorded it. Many of my teams results stayed the same but for some reason it turned harder.


Recycle water is important because without it we will have nothing to drink so we'll die out. water foot print tells me that how much gallon of water we're using everyday like from leaking sink, toliets ,and hoses. most people will take a bath instead of shower so they used about 50 gallon more than taking a shower. In class we also made a filter to clean up dirty water and the water have no much different so that shows or tell us how hard to clean dirty water. we can reduce our use of water by taking 2-5 minutes shower and tell a plumer to come if there are leaking sink, hose, and toliets ETC.

Water Usage

Water is valuable to our Earth. We, the people of Earth need water for many, imperative reasons. We need to drink water so we're hydrated and do not run out of water and die. We also need water because water holds a very important food supply that we eat to get protein. If you didn't figure it out, it's FISH. We need to clean water because if we have polluted water, we can't drink it unless anyone wants to get sick or die. We could buy a filter because it can clean out any bacteria and anything that can get you sick like mercury. From my water footprint, I found simple ways to help sustain water like by turning off the water while brushing my teeth. You can probably shower in cold water to save hot water. And you can stop using a hose to wash a car. If you want to be imaginative, you can make your own filter with houshold appliances.


In class 712 we learned about sustainability and also the environment we're learning this subject because we need to figure out how to safe or protect our world I'll be talking about global warming it's not sustainable because if this process keep on going the ice burgs or glacier in north and south poles will melt the water level will increase dramatically and all the homes near the beach or coast will be flooded completely after 1 thousand year our planet known as earth will be a planet that's cover and fill with water.

Be Sustainable

Sustainability: The ability to conserve ,maintain, and support all the things we need to survive so we can have it for a long period of time. This means that we need a plan to keep our things for the lounges periot of time, then mack more. As soon as it's gone we can make more.The we can make shelter for us to live and some were we can be safe and protected.When it's gone we can make the same thing, but it's going to be easy.


Sustainability means to maintain a healthy environment for everyone and everything for as long as we possible can. In life we always use things such as foam cups and plastic bags and plastic ,etc. We use so much a day in total its hard to keep out lands clear. Their was a movie called "If The World Was A Village", it was about the percentage of people their would be of what kind. It also shows how many people get a amount of which. Lots of out water on the earth is salt and very little is fresh which we can drink. We received a booklet from a field scientist Ms.Baker, we had to do a project on it based on the numbers we got. We even made a list of things we needed to live with water,shelter,water,air,energy,our waste. Many people in our world use about 100's of gallons of water a day. This was a work sheet were we had to fill in numbers. After we finished the sheet we talked about the ways we can save water from now on.
Sustainability: The ability to conserve, mantain and support all the things we need to survive so we can have it for a longer period of time.
The point of sustainability is that we should keep our enviorment healthy so we can live a longer life. To have a longer period we will need to save water, electricity, and tree's. If we dont save tree's we wont have air, and without air we can die. So basically without tree's we wont even have paper eathier.

Water's Value

Water is valuable to all humans. All humans need water in order to live. People need water to take showers and baths, to drink, to wash dishes, and to go to the toilet(Bathroom). When we were making a filter to clean a cup of dirty water that contains dirt, bleach, some blue stuff that i don't know what it is. Me and Kendal's filter looked different then the others. One filter didn't have any results, as in nothing came out. On my water footprint I realized I could turn off the water while brushing my teeth. Many people waste 100 gallons of water a day. If we recycle water we can live for a longer period. If we don't recycle water we will not have it for a longer period of time and we will die. We need water to survive.